used by more than one hundred thousand people to address health challenges in real life , such as depression , anxiety and chronic pain and brain injury (TBI) . Says Mcgill and others that playing video games can provide the following benefits :
- The development of critical thinking skills and how to solve problems :
Says Dr. Alan Lewis , chief executive of the ( organization that CH Health Care Systems - NCH Healthcare Systems): " The immersion in the practice of one of the video games may encourage bring by methods adapt creative can be used later in the treatment of situations of real life. Has become unexpectedly positive results for some individuals, groups and society in general . " If you think about well in this matter , you find that children contribute little in this respect also - they come in ways that better or later of doing things , especially those solutions that help you win . Video games can stimulate this kind of thinking are much stronger .
- Develop the skills of cooperation :

Especially after he made the techniques ( Web 2.0-web 2.0) from playing video games in real time across the world is easy and cheap , mass Playing spreading too fast . In order to succeed in games multilateral , should be on the players to form alliances and work together toward common goals and find ways to unite their efforts and resources ... It is exactly the skills you need to learn in real life in order to succeed in your relationships with others .
- Simulation failures:
In a world in which obscure the real competition often opportunities for children - where every child gets involved in racing an enemy bent on rewarding and even though it did not score a good result - the video games clearly define both the winners and losers . It teaches you how to win the right ( without ego or arrogance ) also teaches you how to accept the loss of capacity released ( without wailing or berate others ) . This is a valuable lesson - Research has shown that we show greater respect for people who compete- regardless of winning or losing .
- A feeling of happiness :
This may seem obvious , but it brings us back to the issue of enhancing the level of intelligence. Says Dr. Mcgill: " Games make us feel happy because we are doing the great effort of our own " , a process we call ingenuity . When we are working hard towards perfecting a certain thing , we explore the potential within us - so that our limited capabilities to excel and learn how to do new things ... We become more intelligent.
So if you spent some time in the practice game , do not you think it's just a waste of time ... But I look at it is food for the mind .
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